
Medium Post – How to convert a Binary IP to an IP address

I will occasionally A new user should go with least possible dosage only if he is normal and does not have any serious health problem like kidney problem, cardiovascular problem, hypertension, diabetes and other vascular problem should get guidelines from their physician before starting the medication Kamagra should not be treated as regular treatment for […]


Shell Script and Docker

Here is a simple shell script that checks to see if docker is installed. If docker is installed it then filters to see if a container with a certain name is also running and  if it is not it will trigger the run command. #!/bin/sh clear if [ “$(docker –version)” ] then if [ “$(docker ps […]


Make an API Request Before Bootstrapping Angular Application

In a recent headless angular application, we needed to make an api request before the application was bootstrapped. Below is a code sample of how it was achieved. This code was placed before the closing <body> tags of an index.html file. (function() { fetchData().then(bootstrapApplication); function fetchData() { var initInjector = angular.injector([“ng”]); var $http = initInjector.get(“$http”); […]