
What I learned from attending AWS Re:Invent 2018

This year I was able to attend AWS Re:invent 2018  in Las Vegas. There was a lot to take in from keynotes, sessions, workshops and the expo. Oh and there was tons and tons of walking from hotel to hotel.

AWS Reinvent 2018
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Key Takeaways

  1. Serverless is here to stay. With lots of new integrations and features to the AWS Serverless Platform you can’t ignore that things are moving this way. If you want speed, scalability and cost effectiveness this is the way to go.
  2. Now you can use any programming language with AWS Lambda custom runtimes. I know a few colleagues looking forward to run PHP.  I’ll be curious to see how it turns out and what kind of performance is seen.
  3. AWS Step functions  has been integrated with more services.

I will continue to update this list as I go through my notes. I will also try and provide some examples of things.

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