html5 javascript mobile sencha touch

Mobile Portfolio Built with Sencha Touch

I wanted to play with Sencha Touch the other night and built out a simple portfolio. This app can be downloaded from my github account.

I will only display the JS code that makes the entire Sencha app, you can view the css, and html from the download.

Sencha Touch Code

	name: 'Aldo',
	launch: function(){
			fullscreen: true,
			tabBarPosition: 'top',
			ui: 'dark',
					title: "Home",
					xtype: "panel",
					scrollable: true,
					iconCls: 'home',
					cls: 'home',
					html: [
', '

About Me
', '

I work at OneTechnologies. I strive to design beautiful, accessible, interfaces which enable users to accomplish their goals as effortlessly as possible.

', '

I specialize in standards-based HTML, CSS and JavaScript web development. Each website I develop is built to be search engine friendly, using the latest development principles and techniques.

', '

The Skills
', '

  • User Interface Design
  • Usability
  • Mobile Design & Development
  • jQuery / jQuery Mobile / Javascript
  • Progressive Enhancement
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Sencha Touch
  • Cross Browser Support
', '

Contact Me
', '

', 'Phone: 214.475.6999

', '

', '
' ].join("") },{ title: "Portfolio", xtype: "dataview", iconCls: 'star', cls: 'port', loadingText:'Loading...', scrollable: true, store: { autoLoad: true, fields: ['title','description', 'img', 'status'], proxy: { type: 'jsonp', url: 'portfolio.json', reader: { type: 'json', root: 'portfolio' } } }, itemTpl: '


Status: {status}


' },{ title: "@aldomatic", xtype: "dataview", cls: 'port', iconCls: 'star', loadingText:'Loading...', scrollable: true, store: { autoLoad: true, fields: ['created_at','text', 'profile_image_url'], proxy: { type: 'jsonp', url: '', reader: { type: 'json', root: 'results' } } }, itemTpl: '


Tweeted: {created_at}
' } ] }); } });

View App Note: The app is built to be used on mobile device.
Github Download