I wanted to play with Sencha Touch the other night and built out a simple portfolio. This app can be downloaded from my github account.
I will only display the JS code that makes the entire Sencha app, you can view the css, and html from the download.
Sencha Touch Code
Ext.application({ name: 'Aldo', launch: function(){ Ext.create("Ext.TabPanel",{ fullscreen: true, tabBarPosition: 'top', ui: 'dark', items:[{ title: "Home", xtype: "panel", scrollable: true, iconCls: 'home', cls: 'home', html: [ '', 'During humans it seems that anxiety will arrive during the very hippocampus while amygdala, two regions to these brain. price cialis cheap sildenafil uk The ailment goals young and old alike. The more viagra in india online blood you get, the more strength your organ will achieve. It may cause some side effects such as a bluish color on the organ, discomfort or pain and wobbliness near the base of private organ. generic viagra mastercard ', '', 'Hi, I\'m Aldo Lugo a Front-End Developer
', '
and Designer from Dallas, Texas', '' ].join("") },{ title: "Portfolio", xtype: "dataview", iconCls: 'star', cls: 'port', loadingText:'Loading...', scrollable: true, store: { autoLoad: true, fields: ['title','description', 'img', 'status'], proxy: { type: 'jsonp', url: 'portfolio.json', reader: { type: 'json', root: 'portfolio' } } }, itemTpl: 'About Me
', 'I work at OneTechnologies. I strive to design beautiful, accessible, interfaces which enable users to accomplish their goals as effortlessly as possible.
', 'I specialize in standards-based HTML, CSS and JavaScript web development. Each website I develop is built to be search engine friendly, using the latest development principles and techniques.
', 'The Skills
', '', '
- User Interface Design
- Usability
- Mobile Design & Development
- jQuery / jQuery Mobile / Javascript
- Progressive Enhancement
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Sencha Touch
- Cross Browser Support
Contact Me
', 'Email: aldo@aldomatic.com
', 'Phone: 214.475.6999', '
', '' },{ title: "@aldomatic", xtype: "dataview", cls: 'port', iconCls: 'star', loadingText:'Loading...', scrollable: true, store: { autoLoad: true, fields: ['created_at','text', 'profile_image_url'], proxy: { type: 'jsonp', url: 'http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=aldomatic', reader: { type: 'json', root: 'results' } } }, itemTpl: '{title}
Status: {status}
' } ] }); } });{text}
Tweeted: {created_at}
View App Note: The app is built to be used on mobile device.
Github Download