gruntjs javascript nodejs

Recent deployment issue with Sailsjs and no assets being loaded. 

If you find it that when you deploy your sails app and no assets are being loaded. It’s because grunt is not being run when running sails lift. Here is what I found was causing the problem.  Sails looks for this file .sailsrc when you run the app, it will override settings. In this case […]


Make an API Request Before Bootstrapping Angular Application

In a recent headless angular application, we needed to make an api request before the application was bootstrapped. Below is a code sample of how it was achieved. This code was placed before the closing <body> tags of an index.html file. (function() { fetchData().then(bootstrapApplication); function fetchData() { var initInjector = angular.injector([“ng”]); var $http = initInjector.get(“$http”); […]