
Nodes Forever Package Doesn’t Mean Forever!

I run most of my node apps on a droplet with DigitalOcean. Recently there was an issue and the droplet had to be restarted by them, but my app didn’t restart. This was a big issue for me and my client. I use Forever to run the app, but this only works if the app […]

angularjs javascript

Access and Update Model Outside Angular

In a recent project I had a form within an Iframe that needed to talk to the parent frame via postMessage. The parent frame was an angular application and I had to show and hide some content. I was able to access the scope outside angular and update via the angular.element() method (This is using […]

angularjs javascript

Using Pathmodify a Browserify plugin with Gulp

To better understand what we are going to solve in this post take a look at what Pathmodify does. gulpfile.js var paths = { node_modules: ‘/path/to/node/modules/node_modules/’, ng_services: ‘/path/to/angular/services/ng_services/’, }; gulp.task(‘browserify’, function() { return browserify(‘app.js’, {}) .plugin(pathmodify, {mods: [ pathmodify.mod.dir(‘node_modules’, paths.node_modules), pathmodify.mod.dir(‘ng_services’, paths.ng_services) ]}) .bundle() .pipe(stream(‘bundle.js’)) Getting up and moving increases blood flow to the sex […]